FC Partner is a French RegTech providing GPs and LPs with the finest web management softwares, using advanced and inovative technologies to increase processes efficiency and performance through enhanced data quality and reliability.
These are the main areas of competence we are proud to share with and deliver to our customers.
Each is covered by one or two specific packages that concentrate our knowledge embeded in the lates technology.
AIF Reporting
ESMA through AIFMD requests for detailed and reliable reports quarterly.
Do you spend too much time on it ?
AIF Administration
Oursourced administration: the investors will pay the bill. For how long ?
Want competitive management fees ?
Funds Performance
Got Data ? or just a bugged Excel warehouse ? Would you like real time quality dashboard ?
More DetailsGP Process Control
Growing, who does what ? It is now highly recommended that 1rst level control be documented. Too costly ? But so usefull ...
FC Partner is a RegTech Software Editor. We create to provide our customers with ultimate awesome technology to build performant information systems for GPs and LPs. Performant means efficient, reliable, time saving and cost saving.
Below are listed our solution packages and all the modules availables. Select one package to list modules required and functionalities covered.
AIFM Reporting
- AIF reports preparation from basic data format up to XML format and report delivery on Authorities platforms.
- Total lineage aud full audit trail from elemntary date to reported information.
- Automatic record of controls is perfomed trought out the process.
- Full integration with accounting module and funds management module so keeping 1rst level of control up to date becomes seamless with business processes.
General Ledger
- Full general ledger functionalities. Standardization of accounting schemes, automatic generation of accounting entries, book-keeping and all accounting reports (Genebalance sheeet, annual report BDF).
- Foreach reporting periode, a dedicated layer with relevant data is created.
- Full audit of origin, transcodification and cleaning is performed as the data is recorded to ensure quality for future use (report, queries, historical charts, ...).
Performance management
- Funds managers will benefit from the full package of calculated perfomance indicators.
- Charts, graphics, standard as well as ad-hoc are available.
- Data used by the indicators are of the best quality; their lineage comes from management and accounting modules, without being re-keyed in.
Risks management
- Standard process and activities repository proposed, and standard risks referential also provided.
- Risks assessment templates and work flow, mitigation by controls efficiency, real time risk matrix.
Legal reports
- Each country has its own set of regulatory expectation. We provide them to our customer: no specific and huge consulting bill is to be expected.
- Again, snapshot from accounting and management module are stored in the datawarehouse, so complete lineage and audit trail from the rported data to the initial process is recorded.
- Powerful tool to collect data, control them, elaborate complex result and submit them to validation, through the organisation.
- Then, data are delivered to engines like the accounting engine to generate entries posted in the general ledger module, or to risk assessment calculator, ...
- Access control and security, Customization or menus & color themes.
- Configuration parameters & languages, Various engine interpretors.
- Nowhere to be seen, but everywhere to be used.
When implementing our solutions, we do the job for you : the history data cleansing, so your data become highly reliable, accessible and you take best advantage of the technology we deliver.
Our solutions are highly customizable, so we can fit to almost any process, no matter how complex, because we know that your specificity is your brand and that your customers expectations must be taken in account.
It is crucial that during the information system migration process you data get enhanced, cleaned, corrected, updated, connected and consequently become an asset for your organisation.
By growing your manual processing monster you may have not noticed that alternative organisation could bring performance, save money and speed up information flows throuh out the enterprise.
Project Steering Committee will keep management informed of milestones achieved during the project, and will ensure all goals achived in time and in budget.
Any time, our team is dedicated to your activity continuity. The Cloud will enable smooth technical continuity but should any question raised, we will assist you to find the solution.
Although web born and therefore user intuitive, advanced technology requires solid understanding of how it works. This is what our Ad-hoc trainning will make for you.
Contact Info
5 Place de la pyramide, 92088 Paris la Défense, FR
+33 1 55 68 11 32